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Profile of Jason Dyck, PhD

Jason Dyck
Director, Cardiovascular Research Group
458 Heritage Medical Research Centre
University of Alberta
Edmonton AB  T6G 2S2

Tel: 780.492.0314
Fax: 780.492.9753


A major focus of Dr. Dyck's research is the study of the molecular mechanisms involved in regulating cardiac energy metabolism and how this relates to ischemia/reperfusion injury, cardiac hypertrophy, and specific arrhythmias.

Dr. Dyck's research program is unique in that it links the molecular signaling field to cardiac energy metabolism. This has increased our understanding of the molecular basis of cardiac energy metabolism and has allowed a clearer understanding of highly relevant concerns such as ischemia/reperfusion injury, cardiac hypertrophy, and the formation of specific arrhythmias.

Since establishing his independent research program, Dr. Dyck has published a number of important studies that have had a significant impact on the area of cardiac energy metabolism and have contributed to the understanding of the pathogenesis of heart defects associated with altered cardiac energetics.

The study of cardiac energy metabolism has not generally been an area of intense investigation, especially since the advent of molecular biology. However, recent significant findings in the area have pushed cardiac energy metabolism to the forefront of modern research topics. These breakthroughs have helped us to understand better metabolic diseases such as atherosclerosis, obesity, and diabetes and have allowed us to link the effects of these metabolic perturbations.

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